> Lebanese Cuisine & Recipes
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Press Corner & User Reviews
Top rankings in "Food & Drink" section in the Stores: #1 in Lebanon, #4 in France, #5 in Venezuela,
#11 in Germany, #14 in UAE, #14 in Paraguay, #21 in Australia, #52 in Canada, #71 in USA, #82 in UK...
Ian & Sandra
By Ian about 100 Lebanese Recipes (Google Play Store)
This is a great App. Clean layout and with minimal user interaction required which I find essential while cooking. Easy to find dishes via smart categories. The Falafel recipe is to die for. Groovy music while cooking ...Summer days!
Good sraight forward layout
By gabriel about 100 Lebanese Recipes (Google Play Store)
Easy to follow. Good graphics, photos. Include all my favourits. Mange yr list add, delete.
By roland about 100 Lebanese Recipes (Google Play Store)
excellent application. good variety of dishes. good explanation. congratulations
Great Spanish Food from all regions
By JoseGigante from Spain about 100 Recetas Españolas (version 1.0, Apple App Store)
Simple way of discovering and enjoying cooking Spanish Food from all regions!
The best
By KIDK57 from United States about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 2.1, Apple App Store)
Great, easy explanation, pictures are clear, incredible taste on all. I wish there will be more recipes, more about herbs in use.
By Monahmimi from Germany about 100 Libanesische Rezepte (version 2.1, Apple App Store)
Super App.!! Absolut authentische wohlschmeckende Gerichte nach arabischer Hausfrauenart!!! Das ganze Gratis-absolut empfehlenswert, gut nachzukochen. Uebertrifft einige Kochbücher.
By Fredo tigger from United States about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 2.1, Apple App Store)
I love all the recipes! Easy to make!
Chou Helo
By Hamdan Karim from Switzerland about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 2.1, Apple App Store)
Merci ktir
By +*Sissi*+ from Germany about 100 Libanesische Rezepte (version 1.7, Apple App Store)
Rezepte sind gut erklärt kann man gut nach machen! Lecker! :-)
Super App! Klasse Rezepte klar und gut dargestellt!
By Contax2a from Germany about 100 Libanesische Rezepte (version 1.7, Apple App Store)
Mit meine beste Kochapp
By ZeCleopatre from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.7, Apple App Store)
Facile, pratique, et.... Top bon!!!!
Great app!
By rania79 from Lebanon about ۱۰۰ وصفة لبنانية (version 1.7, Apple App Store)
Yalla want more of these delicious recipes!!
By Dodo111966 from Lebanon about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.7, Apple App Store)
Very very very good
Very good
By Jinatte from United States about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.7, Apple App Store)
Great simple recipes
Perfect application
By Mouh_85 from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.7, Apple App Store)
À utiliser sans modération
By Georges DIB from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.7, Apple App Store)
Recettes bien expliquee facile à réaliser. Appli indispensable pour qui aime la cuisine du liban
fantastico menjar
By Naim hannaoui hadi from Spain about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.7, Apple App Store)
la manera mas facil y divertida de conocer la cocina libanesa.
Einfach gut ..... Selbst für mich machbar
By Libanon4ever from Germany about 100 Libanesische Rezepte (version 1.6, Apple App Store)
Super einfach .... Smallah 3a leikon Geile idee hilft mir in der küche immer ... Jeder der es hat hat die chance sich auf einer feinen art und weise zu ernähren ... Sahtain
Awesome App
By Hoolish from Australia about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.6, Apple App Store)
Awesome app. It also gave me ideas what to cook when I couldn't think of anything. And the instructions are clear and simple
Back to Lebanese!
By Ajadadgarcia from Canada about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.6, Apple App Store)
Amazing recipes! Allows me to get in touch with my Lebanese side!
Excellent !
By benjamin mouradian from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.6, Apple App Store)
Je suis d' origine arménienne et cette appli est un pure bonheur et pense bête. Pour tous les événements vous avez une recette
Libanesische Gerichte
By Samir Halabi from Germany about 100 Libanesische Rezepte (version 1.6, Apple App Store)
Einfach toll !
By L orientale from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.4, Apple App Store)
J'adore la cuisine Libanaise! je me régale....hum ! App très utile et ludique. 20/20
Amazing App
By NatCupcakeQueen from United Kingdom about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.6, Apple App Store)
This app is amazing used it to cook food for Iftar at my Arab inlaws house and they were so impressed food was sooo tasty and recipes are so easy to follow (Big Thumbs Up) please add more recipes or make some kind of page so everyone can share their own recipes that would be awesome.. :D 10/10
By Sir Cave from Switzerland about 100 Libanesische Rezepte (version 1.6, Apple App Store)
Einfach und verständlich zum nachkochen! Super!
By specix from Australia about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Such a fantastic Lebanese cook ebook. Can't wait for more!
Super App !!
By Amura2008 from Germany about 100 Libanesische Rezepte (version 1.5, Apple App Store)
Kann man nur empfehlen !!5Sterne !!!
كثير مهضوم و سهل
By Akmidos from Denmark about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.4, Apple App Store)
Excellent !
By benjamin mouradian from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.4, Apple App Store)
Je suis d' origine arménienne et cette appli est un pure bonheur et pense bête. Pour tous les événements vous avez une recette
By CelineT 69009 from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.4, Apple App Store)
Mon mari est libanais mais il cuisine tres peu, ma belle mere est à beyrout donc peut peu m'aprendre à realiser cette delicieuse cuisine. Par cette aplication (et conseil de ma belle maman), j'ai pu realiser mon premier taboulet et du pain libanais. Avi de mon mari: ton taboulet est tres bon !! Prochain defit: feuille de vigne…
Me encanta!
By Susana de Lucas Martínez from Spain about 100 Recetas Libanesas (version 1.4, Apple App Store)
Recetas bien explicadas, con imágenes y muy ricas!
By Monahmimi from Germany about 100 Libanesische Rezepte (version 1.4, Apple App Store)
Super App.!! Absolut authentische wohlschmeckende Gerichte nach arabischer Hausfrauenart!!! Das ganze Gratis-absolut empfehlenswert, gut nach zu kochen. Uebertrifft einige Kochbücher.
Fab app
By Arabgirl89 from United Kingdom about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.4, Apple App Store)
Love this app!! Plz add more recipes :)
By Axouxere from Spain about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.4, Apple App Store)
Lista grande de recetas muy auténtica! App genial!
By Mike Ablan from United States about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.4, Apple App Store)
The real deal the recipes are the same as moms growing up
Great app
By Bonagracija from Croatia about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.4, Apple App Store)
Great app for leb food lovers!
The best
By EnvyDis from Australia about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.4, Apple App Store)
I love it love it love it I went from a zero to a hero in Lebanese cooking thanks to this well explained app now I don't need to cop looks from my inlaws lol
Lang gesucht
By Onimbla from Germany about 100 Libanesische Rezepte (version 1.4, Apple App Store)
Endlich gefunden. Nur zu empfehlen!
Die beste deutschsprachige App
By Saladinsam from Germany about 100 Libanesische Rezepte (version 1.2, Apple App Store)
Dies ist die beste deutschsprachige App für libanesische Rezepte. Die Gerichte sind Original und die Funktion ist wirklich gut. Manchmal könnten noch mehr Bilder für die einzelnen Schritte verwendet werden, um das ganze noch plakativer zu machen! Aber gefällt mir! Mabrook ;)
L'appli est top! Bravo!
By Nadine82apple from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Un plaisir :-)
Un must sur la cuisine orientale!
By marcoapp123 from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
C tellement bon tout ça!
By rania79 from Lebanon about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Thanks guys! It's great :-)
Awesome app!!
By marcattalah from Lebanon about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Bravo! Nice recipes, cool design, tasty pics ;)
By Markus Korb from Germany about 100 Libanesische Rezepte (version 1.2, Apple App Store)
Wenn du auf orientalische gerichte stehst, dann ist das hier ein muss!
Really well done!
By Samira77 from Lebanon about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Check it out too, it's very nicely done!
Sehr lecker!
By Marcel78x from Germany about 100 Libanesische Rezepte (version 1.2, Apple App Store)
Libanesische Küche ist sehr, sehr lecker! Und die Fotos machen echt Appetit!
By Markus Korb from Germany about 100 Libanesische Rezepte (version 1.2, Apple App Store)
Wenn du auf orientalische gerichte stehst, dann ist das hier ein muss!
Great app!!
By StephMa from Lebanon about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Very tasty pics :-)))
I liiiiike it!
By wassimabey from Lebanon about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Love it as well as my whole family :))
Great app
By MissEkk from Australia about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Explained well with tasty looking pictures, I love this app and so will my family!!
Great app!
By Fadi Elb from Lebanon about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Found this app simply GREAT! Give us even more than 100 recipes :-)
By Ramez32 from Lebanon about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Nice app ;-))
Excellente appli!!!!
By Sabousabi from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.2, Apple App Store)
J'adoooore!!!! Faciles à appliquer, je vous la recommande
Elle est top!!!
By Ranroun R from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Un plaisir cette application ;-))
By Phil Bernardin from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Bravo pour cette application! Elle est géniale! 100 recettes dans votre poche :-))
Parfait !
By Pretty Netty from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Toutes les recettes indispensables, super! A quand le display Retina ? Et là ce sera le paradis!
Großartige orientalische Gerichte selbstgemacht!
By Stefan Figge from Germany about 100 Libanesische Rezepte (version 1.2, Apple App Store)
Die libanesische Küche ist der Ursprung für viele weltbekannte Gerichte - mit dieser App der beste Weg, es selbst mal zu probieren! ... und ich zähle 100 Rezepte ;)
By Bibou 13 from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
De vrai recette a la libanaise a faire et refaire pour votre plus grand plaisir alor Sahten !!! A tous
By Francis Lam. from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
L'application est super pratique! Bravo encore!
Très jolie application :-)
By Marc Sanson from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Les recettes sont super simples et donnent tellement envie de s'y mettre tout de suite!
By SamiraEid from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Je vous félicite pour cette application! Ajoutez svp encore plus de recettes!!
By Andre Martin from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Grace a cette merveilleuse appli je suis devenu un fan de cuisine orientale! Merci encore!
By Marie DS from Lebanon about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Un grand merci pour cette version française :-)))
By rania79 from Lebanon about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
C super :-D Bravo!!
Très bien!
By Bernadette L. from France about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
100 recettes du Liban a savourer :-)) je vous la recommande a tous!
L'app est top!
By PhilippoB from Lebanon about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Bravo guys!
Lebanese recipes
By Chad Ajamian from Australia about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.2, Apple App Store)
Great recipes Authentic Just like mum's cooking
By m_sfeir from Lebanon about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Love it!! Simply great :-)
By marwanontheiphone from Lebanon about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.3, Apple App Store)
Recommend it to all of you!
Trop fort!!!
By Tantoun71 from Lebanon about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.2, Apple App Store)
Enfin une app sur notre délicieuse cuisine ;-))
By marcattalah from Lebanon about 100 Recettes Libanaises (version 1.2, Apple App Store)
C'est super d'avoir aussi l'application en Francais maintenant! Bravo :-)
Good app
By Marwan Badine from Canada about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.2, Apple App Store)
We require more then a 100 Recepies Bring more please.
By Maximus Von Pancho from United States about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.1, Apple App Store)
Great app. God bless the Lebanese. There cooking is amazing. More recipes, please.
Great app!
By JOSHUA SETH from United States about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.1, Apple App Store)
Love the recipes but we need more, I hope it would continue to add more recipes and deserts.
Nice App!
By ZIAD in Beirut from United States about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.2, Apple App Store)
Great collection of Lebanese recipes in a well presented iphone app - nice job! I recommend.
Great app!
By TarekHomsi from France about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.2, Apple App Store)
Great and unique app promoting lebanese cuisine. Looking forward to the next 100 recipes!
Simple and easy
By Zonardo from United States about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.1, Apple App Store)
This is a good Arabic food recipes. It is simple and easy
I love it!
By FrenchConnection511 from United States about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.0, Apple App Store)
Looks great!! It combines the best selection of Lebanese dishes for beginner as well as advanced chefs ;)))
Dish of the week
By LetsCook from United States about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.0, Apple App Store)
Very nice App! Great job on putting it together!!! Tried Moussaka, easy and very tasty!
Oriental food at its best!
By Samir43 from United States about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.0, Apple App Store)
Great app with a huge collection of recipes! Tried already a couple of them :-) Nice memories from my childhood!! Give it a try, you'll love it!
Trop bien!!
By Bernadette L. from France about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.0, Apple App Store)
Je cherchais une telle app sur la cuisine libanaise! Excellent, je m'y mets de suite... Les photos me donnent déjà envie de cuisiner!!
By Andre Martin from France about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.0, Apple App Store)
Super :-)) j'ai bcp aime cette app! J'adore la cuisine oriental et particulierement la cuisine Libanaise!
Bringing Best Lebanese Dishes Home!!!
By planetdaniel from Germany about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.0, Apple App Store)
This is the first App combing the best selection of Lebanese dishes for beginner as well advanced chefs @home. Even healthy dishes are included. Tried several of them-delicious :) Great app. If u like Lebanese cuisine a must have!
Nice app!!
By FrankDavid from Germany about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.0, Apple App Store)
Looks great!!
Great app
By Lalatoche from United States about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.0, Apple App Store)
Great initiative!! Excellent design .... Waiting for the upgrades and more and more recipes!
Perfecta app :-)))
By JoseGigante from Spain about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.0, Apple App Store)
Perfecta aplicacion para novatos en cocina libanesa. Haz tus propios falafel en 5 minutos!
By Adoumi from Canada about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.0, Apple App Store)
We sense and with the exile was Lebanon thanks for all Lilly worked for protected this app just tried the following email seen avatar image walrosit not know unji know
Excellent app!!
By samkhayat from United States about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.0, Apple App Store)
Very well organized, easy to use and with very nice pictures, this app really makes you want to wear an apron and start cooking some good lebanese food!! Bon appetit!
World of taste!
By Yana Zhakhouskaya from Germany about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.0, Apple App Store)
Wow! Finally! An app I was waiting for to make all my favorite Lebanese dishes! There are great, simple and easy to follow step by step directions how to make everything Lebanese - from the classics to the sophisticated culinary delights. The pictures are beautiful and inspirational! Bon appetit!
Secrets of the South - delicious
By MiriM23 from Germany about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.0, Apple App Store)
Great App with a huge variety of Great dishes. I tried the mezzes and they were all very delicious. Highly recommendable.
Experience Oriental food at its best!!!
By Stefan Figge from Germany about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.0, Apple App Store)
Lebanese cuisine is great. Healthy, tasty and exotic. This is a great app to cook it!
Great app
By Karim El-Khazen from France about 100 Lebanese Recipes (version 1.0, Apple App Store)
Kicking off the reviews!
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