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Home > Touristic Sites > Jeita

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Jeita Grotto, closed for the past years, has recently opened its door with the collaboration of a German Company, to welcome the visitors who have been always fascinated by its splendid natural achievement. This cavern is rich in formations and galleries that extend for more than 6kms. It can be visited by the telepherique or a boat ride over a subterranean lake which is considered to be the main source of the Dog River (Nahr El Kalb).

Jeita caverns are on two levels. The lower galleries, discovered hazardously in1836 and opened to the public in 1958, are visited by boat to a distance of approximately 500 m from the 6200 m explored. This part of the caverns takes you to a beautiful underworld millions of years in the making. But the 600-meter boat trip on a subterranean lake is only a sampling of the system that has been explored for almost 6,910 meters.

 Lebanon Guide: Touristic Sites: Map of Lebanon Faqra Jeita Zahle Aanjar Byblos Beiteddine Sidon Tyre Tripoli The Cedars Baalbeck Beirut

The upper galleries, discovered in 1958 and opened in January 1969, can be seen on foot for a distance of approximately 750 m from the 2200 m explored. Formed several million years before the lower caverns, this section shows what the entire cave system was like before geological conditions displaced the subterranean river to its present level. 650 meters walking through this dry gallery, shows many formations shaped over millions of years.

Lebanon Guide: Touristic Sites: Photos: Jeita Lebanon Guide: Touristic Sites: Photos: Jeita Lebanon Guide: Touristic Sites: Photos: Jeita Lebanon Guide: Touristic Sites: Photos: Jeita
Lebanon Guide: Touristic Sites: Photos: Jeita Lebanon Guide: Touristic Sites: Photos: Jeita Lebanon Guide: Touristic Sites: Photos: Jeita Lebanon Guide: Touristic Sites: Photos: Jeita

The temperature remains stable in the grottoes for the whole year (16ºC in the lower cave and 22ºC in the upper cave) allowing the visitors to savor the warm climate in wintertime and the refreshing cool climate in summertime. For more information: www.jeitagrotto.com

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