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- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, A. Lee, D. Grandblaise, D. Boscovic, "Business Perspectives of End-to-End Reconfigurability", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, June 2006, Vol. 13, N°3, pp.46-57
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, A. Lee, D. Boscovic, "Business Models of End-to-End Reconfigurable Systems", IEEE VTC Spring, Melbourne, Australia, May 2006
- A. Mihailovic, N. Olaziregi, N. Berthet, D. Pirez, J.E. Goubard, A. Minokuchi, B. Souville, Z. Boufidis, N. Alonistioti, K. El-Khazen, "End-to-End Reconfigurability System Architecture Fundamentals", IST Summit 06, Mykonos, Greece, June 2006
- M. Stamatelatos, A. Kaloxylos, K. Kominaki, K. El-Khazen, D. Bourse, "Viable Business Roles towards Reconfigurable Business Eco-Systems", IST Summit 06, Mykonos, Greece, June 2006
- A. Katidiotis, D.Petromanolakis, V. Stavroulaki, P. Demestichas, E. Patouni, A. Kousaridas, P. Magdalinos, N. Andriopoulos, K. El-Khazen, S. Buljore, P. Roux, C. Beaujean, T. Farhnham, D. Nussbaum, A. Kountouris, F. Marx, "Prototyping for End-to-End Reconfigurable Equipment", IST Summit 06, Mykonos, Greece, June 2006
- Z. Boufidis, N. Alonistioti, M. Stamatelatos, D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, M. Muck, "Evolution of the Reconfiguration Management Plane for Autonomic Communications", IST Summit 06, Mykonos, Greece, June 2006
- K. Moessner, B. Deschamps, P. Martigne, G. de Brito, K. El-Khazen, D. Bourse, "Regulatory Trends For Reconfigurable End-to-End Systems", IST Summit 06, Mykonos, Greece, June 2006
- Z. Boufidis, E. Patouni, N. Alonistioti, P. Magdalinos, D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, "Exploiting the Reconfiguration Management Plane for Protocol Adaptation and Quality of Service Negotiation in B3G Systems", Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) 15th Meeting, WG6, Paris, France, December 2005
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, "End-to-End Reconfigurability (E2R) Research Perspectives", IEICE Transactions on Communications, Volume E88-B, Number 11, ISSN 1745-1345, November 05
- P. Demestichas, G. Dimitrakopoulos, D. Bourse, K. El Khazen, "Dynamic Planning and Management of Reconfigurable Systems", IEEE DySPAN 05, Baltimore, USA, November 2005
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, R. Pintenet, N. Berthet, J. Voegler, N. Olaziregi, J. Brakensiek, K. Moessner, N. Alonistioti, "End-to-End Reconfigurability: Key Achievements and Learning of Phase 1 (2004-2005)" , SDRF Technical Conference, Anaheim, USA, November 2005
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, K. Moessner, D. Grandblaise, "End-to-End Reconfigurable Systems: The E2R Responsibility Chain Concept" , SDRF Technical Conference, Anaheim, USA, November 2005
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, D. Bateman, M. Arndt, N. Alonistioti, K. Moessner, E. Nicollet, E. Buracchini, P. Demestichas, "End-to-End Reconfigurability (E2R) II: Towards Seamless Experience", SDRF Technical Conference, Anaheim, USA, November 2005
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, "End-to-End Reconfigurability (E2R): Enabling Interoperability, Management and Control of Complex Heterogeneous Systems", URSI GA 2005, New Delhi, India, October 2005
- V. Stavroulaki, G. Dimitrakopoulos, A. Katidiotis, P. Demestichas, D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, "Negotiation of Network Services and Spectrum in B3G, Composite Radio Environments", e-2005 eChallenges Conference (also in Innovation and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications and Case Studies, pp. 1103 -1110, IOS Press, 2005), Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 2005
- G. Dimitrakopoulos, P. Demestichas, D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, "Spectrum Exchange in a Reconfigurable Radio Context", Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) 14th Meeting, WG6, San Diego, USA, July 2005
- S. Hope, M. Alvarez, A. Trogolo, E. Buracchini, P. Goria, M. Stamatelatos, Y. Ntarladimas, N. Alonistioti, K. El-Khazen, D. Bourse, "Business Models for End-to-End Reconfigurable Systems", Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) 14th Meeting, WG6, San Diego, USA, July 2005
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, M. Arndt, N. Alonistioti, K. Moessner, E. Nicollet, D. Bateman, E. Buracchini, P. Demestichas, "End-to-End Reconfigurability (E2R): Next Steps", Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) 14th Meeting, WG6, San Diego, USA, July 2005
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, N. Berthet, T. Wiebke, M. Dillinger, J. Brakensiek, K. Moessner, G. Vivier, N. Alonistioti, "End-to-End Reconfigurability: Towards the Seamless Experience", IST Mobile and Wireless Summit 2005, Germany, June 2005
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, "E2R Research Perspectives", IEICE Renewal Seminar, Yokohama, Japan, May 2005
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, M. Arndt, N. Alonistioti, M. Dillinger, J. Brakensiek, K. Moessner, D. Bateman, "End-to-End Reconfigurability - Towards Seamless Experience", Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) 13th Meeting, WG6, Jeju Island, Korea, March 2005
- N. Berthet, N. Alonistioti, M. Alvarez, E. Buracchini, M. Arndt, A. Mihailovic, N. Olaziregi, K. El-Khazen, D. Bourse, "End-to-End Reconfigurability: Requirements, Architecture, Business Models and Roadmaps", Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) 13th Meeting, WG6, Jeju Island, Korea, March 2005
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, G. Vivier, Y. Denef, T. Wiebke, M. Dillinger, J. Brakensiek, K. Moessner, N. Alonistioti, "E2R Project: Major European Initiative on Reconfigurability", SDR Forum Technical Conference, Phoenix, USA, November 2004
- J. Luo, C. Kloeck, G. Dimitriakopoulos, K. Moessner, D. Grandblaise, K. El-Khazen, D. Bourse, E. Mohyeldin, M. Dillinger, P. Demestichas, K. Tsagkaris, F. Capar, R. Agusti, O. Sallent, "Reconfigurability Facilitating Composite Radio", SDR Forum Technical Conference, Phoenix, USA, November 2004
- F. Marx, S. Hope, A. Delautre, E. Buracchini, P. Goria, A. Trogolo, M. Stamatelos, N. Alonistioti, A. Kaloxylos, G. Vivier, K. El-Khazen, M. Alvarez, "System Scenarios of End-to-End Reconfigurability", SDR Forum Technical Conference, Phoenix, USA, November 2004
- K. Moessner, G. de Brito, L. Delenda, P. Bender, J. Piquemal, D. Grandblaise, K. El-Khazen, D. Bourse, "Evolution of Regulation in End-to-End Reconfigurability Context", SDR Forum Technical Conference, Phoenix, USA, November 2004
- M. Fratti, Y. Denef, N. Olaziregi, A. Mihailovic, K. El-Khazen, D. Bourse, N. Alonistioti, "End-to-End Reconfigurability: System Architectures", WWRF 12th Meeting, Toronto, WG6, November 2004
- K. Moessner, D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, D. Grandblaise, "Concept of the Responsibility Chain in an End-to-End Reconfigurable Framework", WWRF 12th Meeting, Toronto, WG6, November 2004
- K. Moessner, D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, D. Grandblaise, "The Responsibility Chain in End-to End Reconfigurable Systems", Joint IST Workshop on Mobile Future & Symposium on Trends in Communications, IEEE Sympotic, Bratislava, Slovakia, October 2004
- K. Moessner, D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, D. Grandblaise, "The Responsibility Chain Concept", E2R Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, September 2004
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, A. Delautre, T. Wiebke, M. Dillinger, J. Brakensiek, K. Moessner, G. Vivier, N. Alonistioti, "European Research in End-to-End Reconfigurability", IST Mobile and Wireless Summit 2004, France, June 2004
- H. Abramowicz, N. Niebert, W. Mohr, L. Hiebinger, J. von Haefen, A. Aftelak, D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, M. Klemettinen, J. T. Salo, F. Carrez, F. Bataille, P. Hölttä, C. Prehofer, N. Jefferies, J. Enriquez Gabeiras, B. Cardinaël, "WI: The Wireless World Initiative: A Framework for Research on Systems Beyond 3G", IST Mobile and Wireless Summit 2004, France, June 2004
- N. Alonistioti, C. Anagnostopoulos, T. Tsounis, A. Kaloxylos, K. El-Khazen, G. Vivier, D. Nussbaum, M. Wetterwald, A. Gozes, A. Delautre, J.E. Goubard, "Evolution of E2R Prototyping Environment", IST Mobile and Wireless Summit 2004, France, June 2004
- K. El-Khazen, G. Vivier, M. Fratti, A. Delautre, JE. Goubard, "End-to-End Reconfigurability - Architectural Research", Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), 11th Meeting, Oslo, WG6, June 2004
- S. Hope, F. Marx, M. Arndt, A. Delautre, E. Buracchini, P. Goria, A. Trogolo, M. Stamatelatos, N. Alonistioti, A. Kaloxylos, G. Vivier, K. El-Khazen, M. Alvarez, "End-to-End Reconfigurability System Scenarios", Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), 11th Meeting, Oslo, WG6, June 2004
- M. Stamatelatos, N. Alonistioti, A. Kaloxylos, K. Kafounis, P. Magdalinos, K. El-Khazen, D. Bourse, "Business Model and Actors for End to End Reconfigurable Systems (E2R)", Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), 11th Meeting, Oslo, WG6, June 2004
- P. Demestichas, G. Vivier, K. El-Khazen, M. Theologou, "Evolution in Wireless Systems Management Concepts: From Composite Radio Environments to Reconfigurability", IEEE Communications Magazine, May 2004
- O. Benali, K. El-Khazen, D. Garrec, M. Guiraudou, G. Martinez, "A Framework for an Evolutionary Path toward 4G by Means of Cooperation of Networks", IEEE Communications Magazine, May 2004
- K. El-Khazen, A. Delautre , D. Nussbaum, N. Houssos, A. Gozes, "E2R Proof of Concept Evolutionary Environment", Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), 8Bis Meeting, WG6, China, February 2004
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, A. Delautre, T. Wiebke, M. Dillinger, J. Brakensiek, K. Moessner, G. Vivier, N. Alonistioti, "End-to-End Reconfigurability (E2R)", Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), 8Bis Meeting, WG6, China, February 2004
- D. Bourse, S. Buljore, A. Delautre, T. Wiebke, M. Dillinger, J. Brakensiek, K. Moessner, K. El-Khazen, N. Alonistioti, "The End-to-End Reconfigurability (E2R) Research", SDR Forum Technical Conference, Orlando, USA, November 2003
- D. Bourse, S. Buljore, A. Delautre, T. Wiebke, M. Dillinger, J. Brakensiek, K. Moessner, K. El-Khazen, N. Alonistioti "The End-to-End Reconfigurability (E2R) Research", WWRF NY Meeting, WG6
- K. El-Khazen, D. Nussbaum, N. Houssos, A. Delautre "Proof of Concept Evolutionary Environment of End-to-End Reconfigurability", WWRF NY Meeting, WG6
- K. El-Khazen, G. Vivier, N. Lhuillier "Communicating Agents in the Reconfigurability Context", WWRF NY Meeting, WG6
- G. Vivier, K. El-Khazen, P. Demestichas, P. Kuonen, "End-to-end Simulations of Heterogeneous Radio Access Systems", WWRF NY Meeting, WG3
- G. Vivier, K. El-Khazen, P. Demestichas, P. Kuonen, "Composite Simulations for B3G Service and Network Management Platform", Proceedings of 5th IFIP International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks 2003 (IFIP MWCN 2003), Singapore, October 2003
- P. Demestichas, N. Koutsouris, G. Koundourakis, K. Tsagkaris, A. Oikonomou, V. Stavroulaki, L. Papadopoulou, M. Theologou, G. Vivier, K. El-Khazen, "Management of networks and services in a composite radio context", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, August 2003
- K. El-Khazen, G. Vivier, N. Lhuillier, "Reconfigurable Equipment Management: an Agent Based Framework", Proceedings of 5th IFIP International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks 2003 (IFIP MWCN 2003), Singapore, October 2003
- K. El-Khazen, F. Lefevre, D. Garrec, M. Guiraudou, O. Benali, "Beyond 3G Demonstrator for Enhanced Service Signaling, Discovery and Management", Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications 2003 (IEEE ISCC 2003), Turkey, June 2003
- R. State, K. El-Khazen, G. Martinez, G. Vivier, "Service management for multi-operator heterogeneous networks", Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 2002 (IEEE GLOBECOM 2002), Taipei, Taiwan, November 2002
- K. El-Khazen, R. State, "Designing an Advanced Service Management Platform", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 2002 (IEEE SMC 2002), Hammamet, Tunisia, October 2002
- R. State, K. El-Khazen, G. Martinez, G. Vivier, "Managing Multi-Configurable Terminals", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks 2002 (IEEE MWCN 2002), Stockholm, Sweden, September 2002
- K. El-Khazen, R. State, "Software Design for Beyond 3G Management Platform", Proceedings of IST Mobile & Wireless Telecommunications Summit 2002, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2002
- K. El-Khazen, R. State, "UML Process for Designing an Advanced Service Management Platform", Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) 5th Workshop Meeting, Tempe, Arizona, USA, March 2002
- R. State, K. El-Khazen, Georges Martinez, Guillaume Vivier, "Flexible and lightweight management architecture for B3G networks", Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), 5th Workshop Meeting, Tempe, Arizona, USA, March 2002
PRESENTATIONS (Not including the presentations of papers at Conferences)
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, "End-to-End Reconfigurability II Research Challenges, Requirements and Business Models", Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) 15th Meeting, WG6, Paris, France (08-09.12.05)
- K. El-Khazen, "E2R System Research: Key outcomes of Phase 1", IEICE SR Workshop, Okinawa, Japan (24-25.11.05)
- K. El-Khazen, "E2R Business Models", WWI Shanghai Workshop, Shanghai, China (20-21.10.05)
- K. El-Khazen, "Leveraging OSGi Technology for End-to-End Reconfigurability: Enabling a Seamless Experience", OSGi World Congress, Paris, France (11-14.10.05)
- K. El-Khazen, D. Bourse, "Reconfigurability Cluster", Concertation Meeting, Brussels, Belgium (22.09.05)
- K. El-Khazen, "E2R Research Project Overview", IWS WPMC, Aalborg, Denmark (18-22.09.05)
- K. El-Khazen, D. Bourse, "E2R Research Project Overview", E2R - SDR Forum joint Workshop, Brussels, Belgium (15.09.05)
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, A. Aftelak, "Business Perspectives of End-to-End Reconfigurability", Mobilife Summer School, Oulu, Fiinland (06.09.05)
- K. El-Khazen, "E2R Towards Seamless Experience", 1st International Workshop on Secure and Ubiquitous Networks, in conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (SUN/DEXA), Copenhagen, Denmark (25-26.08.05)
- F. Jondral, D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, "End-to-End Reconfigurability: Enabler of the Seamless Experience", SDR Forum General Meeting, Washington, USA (20-24.06.05)
- K. El-Khazen, "E2R Questionnaires and Stakeholders Perspectives", E2R Business Model Workshop, Brussels, Belgium (15.06.05)
- K. El-Khazen, "End-to-End Reconfigurability: Enabler of the Seamless Experience", 4G Forum, London, UK (02.06.05)
- S. Hope, D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, "E2R: Towards Seamless Experience", SDR Forum General Meeting, Singapore (18-20.04.05)
- K. El-Khazen, "End-to-End Reconfigurability: System Architecture", WWI Cross-Issues Workshop, Helsinki, Finland (12.04.05)
- K. El-Khazen, "Functional Architecture for Flexible Spectrum Management", Reconfigurability Cluster, Brussels, Belgium (09.03.05)
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, K. Moessner, D. Grandblaise, "E2R - The Responsibility Chain Concept", CEPT PT8, Denmark (24-25.02.05)
- K. El-Khazen, "E2R Project Approach", WWI Symposium - E2R Day, Brussels, Belgium (10.12.04)
- K. El-Khazen, "E2R: Reconfigurability and the different Domains", Reconfigurability Cluster Meeting, Brussels, Belgium (08.12.04)
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, "E2R: Business Models Research and Workshops", Concertation Meeting, Brussels, Belgium (07.12.04)
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, "Reconfigurability Cluster", Concertation Meeting, Brussels, Belgium (07.12.04)
- K. El-Khazen, R. Falk, F. Haettel, U. Lucking, "Security Issues in OTA Reconfigurability", Security Workshop, Belgium (06.12.04)
- K. El-Khazen, "Beyond 3G System and End-to-End Reconfigurability (E2R)", Georgia Tech Lorraine Seminar, Metz, France (21.10.04)
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, "End-to-End Reconfigurability (E2R)", Reconfigurability Cluster Meeting, Brussels, Belgium (20.09.04)
- K. El-Khazen, "End-to-End Reconfigurability (E2R)", OSGi Alliance Member Meeting, Schaumburg, USA (29.07.04)
- K. El-Khazen, "E2R - Introduction to RA12", ECC PT8 (former RA12) Meeting, Maisons-Alfort, France (07-08.06.04)
- D. Bourse, K. El-Khazen, "Review of EU Activities and Context of E2R", E2R-SDR Forum Joint Workshop, Mainz, Germany (20.04.04)
- K. El-Khazen, "Reconfigurability", Information Meeting and Workshop on EC Workprogramme 2005-2006, Brussels, Belgium (01.04.04)
- K. El-Khazen, "E2R IP Scenarios", Systems Beyond 3G Cluster Meeting, Brussels, Belgium (10.03.04)
- Didier Bourse, Karim El-Khazen, Klaus Moessner, Nancy Alonistioti, Jorg Brakensiek, Tim Hentschel, "End-to-End Reconfigurability (E2R)", IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit 2005, Dresden, Germany (June 2005)
- Didier Bourse, Karim El-Khazen, Markus Dillinger, Klaus Moessner, "End-to-End Reconfigurability (E2R)", SDR Forum Technical Conference, Phoenix, USA (November 2004)